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Tekmar LSS Boat Module

TOC users from around the globe requested simplicity, performance, and durability. The Teledyne Tekmar LSS Boat Module is an ideal add-on to the Lotix Total Organic Carbon (TOC) analyser. It uses high-temperature combustion to accurately measure carbon content in a variety of matrices: soils, sludges, sediments, particulate-laden liquids and hard-to-oxidize samples.



Compact and simple, the LSS Boat is designed to work with the Lotix making it the ultimate solution for all of your TOC needs both liquid and solid for years of operation with an economical price to fit any budget

Lotix Solids Sampler (LSS) – The LSS quickly prepares samples for TOC and TC analysis in a wide range of sample matrices that include wastewater, sludges, slurries and solids. – Click for more information on the LSS Boat Module.​

Lotix Total Nitrogen (TN) Module – Analyses samples for Total Nitrogen (TN) content. The TN module works in combination with the Lotix TOC Analyzer enabling analysis of aqueous samples for TOC/TN, TC/TN and TN.

Mixing Module – The optional Lotix Mixing Module is designed to stir samples in the vial prior to analysis. The mixing module contains a magnet attached to an electric motor. The rotating magnet in the module causes a magnetized stir bar in the vial to rotate and mix the sample.

SO3 Scrubber – Certain sample matrices (such as samples preserved with sulfuric acid) have the potential to create gases harmful to the Lotix NDIR detector during analysis. The optional Lotix Sulfite (SO3) Scrubber (mistcatcher) removes these gases before they reach the detector.

Salt Analysis Kit – The Salt Analysis Kit contains required components for the analysis of sea water and brines on the Lotix TOC analyser. The kit includes a 0.3 mL sample loop, large sphere catalyst and combustion tube, and replacement parts for Lotix components whose life-span is reduced when analysing this sample type.​

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