VOC and volatile PAH analyzer: airmoSCAN XPERT
VOC and volatile PAH analyzer: airmoSCAN XPERT
Automatic Gas Analyzer for Volatile PAH compounds and VOCs monitoring
The airmoSCANXPERT uses a valve with a sampling trap.
It also features a metallic capillary column.
Its main characteristics are:
- Miniaturization, sensitivity, mobility and flexibility
Everything from the sample port up to the data storage is integrated in a 19″ cabinet
- Sampling with pre-concentration on absorbent tube.
- Gas chromatograph with metallic column and programmable temperature gradient
- Flow control of the carrier gas
- FID and MS detectors
The Vistachrom software enables the user to visualize and store data on a PC. Furthermore, it provides comfortable utilities to recalculate, calibrate and export data and to set-up measurement.
The software allows the calculation of retention time, area, mas or concentration profiles. It manages all the items of the solution (multiplexer, Gas generators, Calibrator and more).