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QuickTrace® M-7600

The QuickTrace® M-7600 Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption (CVAA) Mercury Analyzer easily achieves the ultra-trace mercury detection limit of <0.5 ng/L demanded by customers employing performance based EPA method 245.7. The QuickTrace® M-7600 is ideal for ultra-trace to sub-mg/L mercury quantitation. The M-7600 is designed for routine and research use in a variety of settings, including environmental laboratories, industry, and research institutes, for virtually any aqueous acidified sample.


The QuickTrace® M-7600 Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption (CVAA) mercury analyzer combines the proven technologies from its predecessors along with TCP/IP communication.

TCP/IP technology guarantees that data collection performance will be a stable format for years to come. An Ethernet adapter is included for dedicated control. To simplify the installation we pre-configure the TCP/IP communications per your laboratories preferences.

The QuickTrace® M-7600 is used to analyze samples that include water and waste-water, soil and sediment, and biological tissues and fluids.

The QuickTrace® M-7600 is ideal for ultra-trace to sub-mg/L mercury quantitation. The QuickTrace® M-7600 is designed for routine and research use in a variety of settings, including environmental laboratories, industry, and research institutes, for virtually any aqueous acidified sample.

The QuickTrace® M-7600 mercury analyzer is also versatile enough to analyze samples > 500 μg/L without dilution. The QuickTrace M-7600 is capable of switching between low mg/L and ng/L analysis without hardware or tubing configuration changes.

Using the proven and reliable CVAA technique combined with multi-tasking Windows-based software package, the QuickTrace® M-7600 is the most stable and sensitive mercury absorbance analyzer available today. For ultra-trace analysis we recommend our autosampler enclosure (ENC-500) to protect the samples from determinate errors such as dust particles.

The ENC-500 will also protect your investment from the harsh acid gases normally present in and around digested acidified samples.

Excellent short and long term stability are found in our QuickTrace® M-7600 CVAA analyzer. Less than 0.3 ng/L instrument detection limits are typical for this analyzer while utilizing less than 4 minutes of sample time and less than 25 mL of sample.

  • Ultra-trace detection limits (< 0.5 ng/L IDL)
  • Linearity greater than 4 orders of magnitude
  • Dynamic range < 0.5 ng/L to > 500 μg/L
  • Without employing our smart rinse technology the system is ready to accurately measure a sample within four minutes following the ingestion of a 1 mg/L sample
  • Short term precision (%RSD @ 95% Confidence) < 1.2% @ 20 ng/L, n=5
  • Short term precision (%RSD @ 95% Confidence) < 6.0% @ 5 ng/L, n=5​
Common Methods
  • EPA Method 245.1
  • EPA Method 245.5
  • SW 846-7470
  • SW 846-7471
  • ASTM Method; D3223, D3624, D3684, D6414, and D6784
  • EU Methods; Din ISO 16772, EN-13806, EN-1483, and ISO 12846​
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