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Sulphur / Mercaptans / odour measurement with energyMEDOR

Online analysis and monitoring of sulfur compounds in natural gas


The energyMEDOR is an automatic and isothermal gas chromatograph dedicated to sulfur compounds analysis (H2S, mercaptans and sulphides) in different matrices.

Two versions exist : the energyMEDOR ppm which measures at ppm levels and the energyMEDOR ppb which measures at ppb levels.

  • Loop injection by automatic valve
  • Detection is made by a gas-liquid reaction
  • Sulfur specific detector – no interferences
  • The detector life is in excess of 10 years
  • Online, continuous sampling
  • No interference from other compounds
  • Low maintenance instrument – detector life may be up to 10 years
  • Automatic Validation of results by Internal Permeation Tube
  • Modifiable threshold alarms – High / Low alarm for odorising processes
VISTACHROM ® software
Chromatotec developed software system enables:

  • Remote monitoring & injection control
  • Full traceability with on board archiving of results
  • QC Set up and control of threshold alarms

Export of data MODBUS / MGS1 / 4-20mA / 0-10V

Product website

Sulphur / Mercaptans / odor measurement with energyMEDOR - Enquiry

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